Getting Your FIRST Chin Up

The chin-up should be a staple exercise in most people’s programs, it’s a compound exercise that requires your Forearms, Biceps and Back musculature to work extremely hard and both men and women should be able to perform at least a few reps.

Now many people will just jump to the lat pull down machine to try and build up to their first chin up, but that doesn’t address a large aspect of learning - movement acquisition - you’re not actually learning how to do a chin-up with the lat pull down, you don’t know how it should feel. Similarly with jumping chin ups - you have to catch yourself as you’re descending, which requires a lot of strength and takes away from the control of the movement. The method I outline in the video addresses the movement acquisition portion of learning a new exercise, making you more comfortable with the movement. By splitting the movement up into 3 portions, we can utilise the fact that our bodies are stronger during eccentric and isometric contractions than concentric. Just be aware that you may be quite achy after the first few eccentric sessions, so don’t be surprised if your arms and back are screaming the day after!

Give this method a go and let us know how you got on with it!

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